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God Is Surprising. VBS Day 5

July 8, 2022

Come and see what God has done: he is awesome in his deeds among mortals. Psalm 66:5

And just like that, it’s over. I’m at a hotel next to the Vienna airport, ready to go home. And I am ready to go home. Tomorrow, I’ll go from the airport to Anders’s ballgame to home to write a sermon for Sunday. All good.

But bittersweet. There’s a Martin-shaped space in my heart.

This week has been incredibly good. I know I write a lot about the music, but oh my, it really is a rush to lead these kids in songs of worship.

A joy to see the finished Joseph portrait (yesterday was the “not quite” version; see below).

A blessing to see the two community centers where the nearly 1,000 refugees from Ukraine can go to get food and clothing, childcare and help with paperwork. To get a bit of hope.

An amazement to have the youngest child at VBS, a pigtailed refugee all of five years old, hug and high five me after the closing.

A wonder to watch kids exuberantly navigate today’s obstacle course (aka “Slovak Ninja Warrior”) in games.

A comfort to share these moments with old Slovak friends, to watch their children grow into young adults who will transform this world by the Spirit’s power.

A gift to share this all with members of Grace, to hear their rushes, joys, blessings, amazements, wonders, and comforts.

Today we learned that God is surprising. And you know, even knowing how good this week would be, I’m surprised by just how good our God is. Monumentally good.

As Joseph knew, God intends it all for good. Always for good.

American friends, see y’all tomorrow. Slovak friends, see y’all soon.

Shining in the darkness, I will follow you.

From → Slovakia 2022

One Comment
  1. John Lattyak permalink

    Thank you for your updates and photos. Sounds like everyone had an uplifting experience.

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