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Morning Prayer

November 17, 2020

“O come, let us worship and bow down, let us kneel before the Lord, our Maker!” Psalm 95:6

I imagine that many of you will, upon hearing this Sunday’s psalm, immediately start hearing a different tune. Specifically, you’ll hear Morning Prayer from the Lutheran Book of Worship. Psalm 95:1-7a is consistently sung as part of morning prayer, and appropriately so. The psalmist’s unbridled call to praise is a great way to start the day. Goodness, I miss singing with y’all!

Speaking of morning prayer, today is Day 247 at the Dispatch. Perhaps you’ve noticed that these posts aren’t coming out as early as they once did. Throughout the spring and into the summer, it was a delight to begin my day in prayer and writing. Just me, my cup of coffee, my laptop, and the Bible. Honestly, I can’t believe how many people look forward to this each day. Keep reading, I’ll keep writing.

But I also need to make a change. What’s missing from “me, my cup of coffee, my laptop, and the Bible?” My kids. Since school has started this fall, our family mornings are compressed. And I’ve been missing them. Too many times I’ve overheard a conversation like, “Should we ask dad to play a game with us?” “No, he probably has to write his blog.” (A seven-year old sure can put a lot of derision into the word “blog.”) I can’t do this to them anymore, not on a regular basis. So, the blog will normally wait until I get to the office. To be sure, there will be mornings I write early. Maybe even tomorrow; Wednesdays are easier because of remote learning. Still, as a matter of self-care and to better love my family, most days it will have to wait.

One of my chief goals as a parent who is a pastor is to do my best to make sure my children don’t grow up to resent the church. I need to make time for them. And I’ll never get this time back if I give it away.

I love writing, and I’ll keep blogging. For now, anyway – I can’t do this forever! I love writing and I love all of you. But I’m the only dad my kids have. Honestly, I can’t think of a better way to start the day by being with them. That itself is morning prayer.

Be well, friends. You are loved.

Lord of the morning, we thank you for the rest you granted as we slept last night. We praise you for the day ahead. Help us to stay focused on our variety of vocations, keeping you at the center and letting your Spirit shape our priorities. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Image: Even the Grace sanctuary begins the day in prayer, dancing in the morning light.

From → COVID-19

  1. dserpico permalink

    Oh bravo, Pastor! Good choice, you will never be sorry. I can wait a couple of hours.

    Get Outlook for iOS ________________________________

  2. Robert Jandeska permalink

    As a dad, your primary job is to show/demonstrate Christ’s love to your children. The blog can wait.
    In return your children will demonstrate how God loves you.

  3. Karen permalink

    Though I appreciate your daily blog because it sets me in a right direction, time with your children is a precious gift – for them and for you. We all have a heavenly parent who waits patiently for us, so take time for Greta, Anders, and Torsten. We can wait patiently in God’s presence.

  4. Marnie permalink

    Spent the morning drafting my contribution to our Lenten devotional. My topic is fasting and I talk about how we run too fast to do too much. Glad you are sitting still and letting the Spirit do the moving!

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